A. The terms and provisions of this chapter shall not be made applicable to a building or premises or portion thereof, the principal use of which is for the practice or operation of a business which is preexempted from regulation by state law; provided, however, that such activities, when accessory to the operation of a "commercial establishment", as defined in section 3-1-1 of this chapter, shall not exclude the principal commercial establishment from the terms and provisions of this chapter.
B. The license fee requirements of this chapter shall not apply to activities sponsored or conducted by religious, educational, charitable, civic or political organizations or institutions; or to governmental institutions or agencies acting in either a governmental or proprietary capacity; or to any franchised public utility; or to carriers regulated exclusively by the federal government. Nothing in this subsection shall be deemed to diminish the authority of the village to perform any of its necessary or ordinary regulatory functions, nor shall any organization as described in this subsection be relieved of the responsibility of filing an application and securing a license as is otherwise provided in this chapter. (Ord. 2007-03, 2-14-2007, eff. 6-1-2007)