A.   Display Required:
      1.   Subject to the terms and provisions of this chapter, upon payment in full of the required license fee to the village, the village shall issue a license tag or sticker or certificate or similar evidence of license which shall be displayed by the owner of the commercial establishment in a conspicuous place on the licensed premises within ten (10) days after receipt of said license.
      2.   It shall be the duty of any person conducting a licensed business in the village to keep his license displayed at all times in a prominent place on the premises, machine or vehicle used for such business.
   B.   Conditions Of Removal: No person shall destroy, obliterate, take, remove or carry away, without the consent of the owner, any license, certificate, plate or sticker which has been issued by the village except when such license, certificate, plate or sticker has been discontinued or the licensed premises has been abandoned. Nothing herein shall prevent the village president or his duly authorized representative from removing any license, certificate, plate or sticker from the possession of a former licensee, his premises, any vehicle or any machine when said license has been revoked under the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 2007-03, 2-14-2007, eff. 6-1-2007)