A.   Rates And Charges A Lien: All water and sewer charges, rates, and bills shall be a lien upon the premises and real estate upon or for which the same is used and supplied, as is provided for by the statutes of the state. (Ord. 85-04, 5-7-1985)
   B.   Foreclosure Of Lien; Other Remedies: Property subject to a lien for unpaid water or sewerage charges may be sold for nonpayment of the same, and the proceeds thereof applied on such charges, after deducting costs, including reasonable attorney fees, as is the case in foreclosure of statutory liens. Such foreclosure shall be by bill in equity, in the name of the village. In the alternative, the village may pursue a concurrent remedy at law to recover the monies due for services rendered, plus a reasonable attorney fee. (Ord. 95-01, 1-11-1995)
   C.   Suits For Foreclosure: The village legal counsel is hereby authorized and directed to institute such proceedings, whether in law or equity, in the name of the village, in any court having jurisdiction over such matters, against any property or owner thereof for which the water or sewer bill remains unpaid twenty (20) days after the commencement of the next billing period. (Ord. 95-01, 1-11-1995; amd. 2013 Code)