COMMERCIAL PURPOSE: Shall mean and include the use, operation, or maintenance of any sound amplifying equipment for the purpose of advertising any business, or any goods, or any services, or for the purpose of attracting the attention of the public to or advertising for, or soliciting patronage or customers to or for any performance, show, entertainment, exhibition, or event, or for the purpose of demonstrating any such sound equipment.
EMERGENCY WORK: Work necessitated by an emergency situation to protect persons and/or property and/or work made necessary to restore property to a safe condition following a public calamity and/or work required to protect persons or property from an imminent exposure to danger.
MOTOR VEHICLES: Shall include, but not be limited to, minibikes and go-carts.
NOISE: Any sound which may be heard seventy five feet (75') or more beyond the property line of the property from which the sound originates.
NONCOMMERCIAL PURPOSE: The use, operation, or maintenance of any sound equipment for other than a commercial purpose. Noncommercial purpose shall mean and include, but shall not be limited to, philanthropic, political, patriotic, and charitable purposes.
SOUND AMPLIFYING EQUIPMENT: Any machine or device for the amplification of the human voice, music, or any other sound. Sound amplifying equipment shall not include standard automobile radios when used and heard only by the occupants of the vehicle in which the automobile radio is installed. Sound amplifying equipment shall not include warning devices on authorized emergency vehicles or horns or other warning devices on any vehicle used only for traffic safety purposes.
SOUND TRUCK: Any motor vehicle, or any other vehicle regardless of motive power, whether in motion or stationary, having mounted thereon, or attached thereto, any sound amplifying equipment. (Ord. 2004-37, 12-8-2004)