Composting of source separated organic material generated at single-unit, multi-unit and institutional properties is permitted on-site at such properties provided that all of the following requirements are met:
   (A)   Location.
      (1)   On-site composting containers shall be located and designed so that seepage from the compost will not run off into public or private streets, storm sewers, drainage ditches, water retention basins, streams or lakes.
      (2)   Location on property. The on- site composting container(s) shall be located in the rear yard no closer than three feet from any rear or side property line nor closer than 20 feet to any habitable building other than the resident’s own home.
      (3)   No composting container may be placed within 20 feet of any body of water or area designated as flood plain, shoreland or state protected wetlands.
   (B)   Compost materials. Only grass clippings, leaves, weeds that have not gone to seed, nondiseased plants, trimmings less than ¼ inch in diameter, straw, sawdust, wood ashes, fruit or vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, eggshells, and commercially available compost ingredients may be placed in the compost container. Meat, bones, fat oils, grease, dairy products, feces, plastics, glass, metal, or synthetic fibers shall not be placed in the compost container(s).
   (C)   Composting container. All composting must occur in a container constructed of wood, wire mesh, or concrete block, or a combination thereof, or in a commercially available compost bin designed for composting organic waste.
   (D)   Composting container size. Composting shall be conducted within an enclosed container not to exceed five-feet by five-feet by five- feet. Containers shall be of a durable material; including, but not, limited to, sturdy woven wire fencing, rot-resistant wood, or a commercially purchased composting unit which will provide for adequate aeration. Containers shall be constructed and maintained in a structurally sound manner.
   (E)   Herbicide/pesticide use. No herbicides or pesticides shall be added to a composting container.
   (F)   Maintenance. Compost materials shall be layered, aerated, moistened, turned, managed and covered during inclement weather to promote effective decomposition of the materials in a safe, secure and sanitary manner that do not produce nuisance odors.
   (G)   Compost use. When the composting process is finished and the compost resembles a soil- like humus or mulch material, it shall be used as a soil amendment at the property from which the compost was generated.
(Ord. 738, passed 8-18-2015)