(A) All garbage shall be kept in garbage containers that shall be water tight, rodent and vermin-proof and of sufficient size to contain all solid waste from one collection day until the next. Other types of containers such as oil drums, fiber drums, barrels, cardboard boxes, and paper bags will not be acceptable as garbage containers.
(B) Only garbage shall be placed in the garbage container. Items prohibited from disposal with garbage in the containers include, but may not be limited to: designated recyclables, tree and shrub waste, other yard waste, construction and demolition debris, automotive parts or fluids, electronic waste, or household hazardous waste. The city may prohibit disposal of source separated organic materials in the garbage container at such time as a collection program for source separated organic materials is established.
(C) The resident is responsible for the appropriate use and safety of the garbage containers, including both the interior and exterior of the containers. The resident shall rinse or wash the interior of the container as needed, and shall keep the containers free of markings or graffiti.
(D) The City of North St. Paul shall contract with a recycling contractor to serve as the exclusive curbside collector of recyclable materials from single-unit up to four-unit dwellings. In such contract the city shall determine the schedule, materials and frequency of collection.
(E) Garbage, recycling and yard waste containers, on collection day, shall be placed on the curb along the pubic roadway or in front of the dwelling. In areas where alley collection is allowed, containers shall be placed at the alley line for collection or designated collection area for dwellings other than single family.
(F) Containers shall be placed properly at the curb for pick-up not earlier than 6:00 p.m. the day before scheduled collection, and removed from the curb not later than 6:00 a.m. the day after scheduled collection.
(G) It shall be the responsibility of every resident to notify the city at least one week in advance of starting or discontinuing garbage collection service.
(H) Each occupant, owner or tenant shall dispose of garbage which accumulates upon their property at least once a week or provided by city contract, unless given special permission. Every tenant, occupant, or owner of any single-unit dwelling unit shall use the garbage and recycling collection service as provided by the City of North St. Paul.
(Ord. 738, passed 8-18-2015)