(A)   When any dwelling, dwelling unit, rooming unit, industrial or commercial structure is not in compliance with this Code, and such noncompliance is to such an extent that it has created an immediate hazard to the health, safety or welfare of the occupants or of the public, as determined by the Compliance Official, he or she may declare the same to be unfit for human occupancy. Whenever any premises and/or structure has been declared unfit for human occupancy, the Compliance Official shall order the same vacated, within a reasonable time, and shall post a placard on the same indicating that it is unfit for human occupancy.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for such dwelling, dwelling unit, rooming unit or industrial or commercial structure to be occupied until the defective conditions have been corrected and written approval has been issued by the Compliance Official. It shall be unlawful for any person to deface or remove the declaration placard from any such premises and/or structure.
   (C)   All orders for vacation pursuant to this section shall be reported to the City Council, who shall hold a hearing on the same at the next regular City Council meeting following the issuance of the order. The City Council may reverse, modify or affirm, in whole or in part, any vacation order.
(`89 Code, § 27.320) Penalty, see § 10.99