The City Manager and designated agents shall be the Compliance Official who shall administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter and who are authorized to cause inspections on a scheduled basis and/or when reason exists to believe that a violation of this chapter has been or is being committed.
   (A)   Certificate of compliance. When the occupancy or ownership of any building containing one or more dwelling units within the City of North St. Paul is about to change, the present occupant or owner, or any agent thereof, shall make application for the certificate of compliance from the City of North St. Paul. This section shall not apply to multiple dwelling buildings and shall have no effect upon the provisions of law or other ordinances relating to the issuance of building permits.
   (B)   Application; inspection. Application for the certificate of compliance shall be made upon forms furnished by the city and approved by the City Council. Upon receipt of a properly executed application for a certificate of compliance, the Compliance Officer shall cause an inspection to be made of the premises to insure that the structure is in compliance with the minimal requirements of this Code. Such inspection shall be based upon requirements of this Code only and shall not be used to discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, sex, income level or any other basis not contained in this Code.
   (C)   Issuance of certificate. If the structure is in compliance with the minimal requirements of this Code, the Compliance Officer shall cause a certificate of compliance to be issued to the present occupant or owner, which shall state that the structure has been inspected and is in compliance with the minimal requirements of this Code. The present occupant, owner or their agent shall obtain the certificate of compliance.
   (D)   Filing of certificate by prospective occupant or purchaser. The present occupant or owner or their agent shall furnish a copy of the certificate of compliance to the prospective occupant or owner, who shall file a copy of the certificate with the city. The proposed buyer or occupant shall not take occupancy of the building and premises prior to the filing of the certificate with the city, except that upon the filing of an affidavit by the present or prospective owner or occupant, or his or her designated agent, approved by the Compliance Officer, which sets forth the dates by which necessary corrective action shall be taken, the occupancy shall be permitted pending issuance of the certificate of compliance.
   (E)   Fee. The fee for the inspection and certificate of compliance of a building and its premises shall be set by Council ordinance.
   (F)   Request by occupant. Upon complaint of any occupant of a dwelling, dwelling unit or rooming unit and payment of the fee, the Compliance Official shall proceed under this Code as if the requirements of division (A) of this section were complied with, except that any enforcement of this Code shall be done by the occupant, pursuant to Minnesota statutes.
(`89 Code, § 27.300)