§ 31.40 GENERALLY.
   (A)   Department established. There is hereby established an executive department of the City of North Saint Paul to be known as the Fire Department. The head of such department shall be the Fire Chief, who shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of City Code.
   (B)   Departmental functions. The department shall be responsible for the establishment, maintenance and administration of an organized method for fire fighting, fire prevention inspection, and emergency rescue within the city, and shall perform the following functions:
      (1)   Take all necessary steps for the extinguishment of fires within the city, including utilization of all necessary personnel and equipment therefor, the destruction of any building or structure and the removal of any obstruction for the purpose of checking or extinguishing any such fire.
      (2)   Possess the police powers necessary to carry out the duties imposed upon them by law, while engaged in the service of fire extinguishment.
      (3)   Assist in the re-establishment of order in the event of civil disturbance, disaster or riot or any other declared emergency.
      (4)   Provide for and administer a program for the training of firefighters.
      (5)   Maintain a record of all fires which occur within the city requiring the services of the department.
      (6)   Investigate the causes of all fires and provide for written reports of all suspected arsons.
      (7)   Possess the police powers necessary to carry out the duties imposed upon them by law, while engaged in the service of fire protection.
      (8)   Inspect all buildings and structures as provided for by the state fire code, and for the issuance and renewal of certificates of occupancy.
      (9)   Provide emergency rescue and ambulance service.
   (C)   Fire Chief; powers and duties.
      (1)   The Fire Chief shall be appointed by the City Manager. The Fire Chief shall be accountable to the City Manager and, subject to his or her supervision and control, shall administer the affairs of the department. He or she shall have general authority and control over all departmental staff and shall oversee the proper fulfillment of all tasks and duties assigned to the department. He or she shall have the power to prescribe such rules and regulations as he or she deems necessary or expedient for the proper operation of the department and to that end shall keep himself or herself informed of the latest administrative practices. The Fire Chief with the approval of the City Manager shall have the power and duty to take all personnel actions, including hiring, assigning and reassigning employees, including supervisory personnel, within his or her department and shall supervise their performance.
      (2)   The Fire Chief shall be responsible for:
         (a)   Coordination of all emergency preparedness functions of the city, compatible with the functions of the federal and state governments and adjacent political subdivisions.
         (b)   Establishment of policies for effective use of manpower resources and facilities to deal with any major natural disaster or man-made incident.
         (c)   Providing for emergency functions to prevent and minimize the effects of disasters on persons and providing for the emergency repair of damage to public facilities resulting from enemy attack, fire, flood, tornado, earthquake, or other natural causes.