No person or persons except dealers or salespersons in surgical instruments, registered pharmacies, licensed pharmacists, licensed doctors of medicine, doctors of osteopathy duly licensed to practice medicine, licensed doctors of dentistry, licensed doctors of veterinary medicine or nurses or interns in any licensed hospital or other licensed institutions wherein sick and injured persons are cared for or treated or bona fide hospitals wherein animals are treated, when under the direction and supervision of a licensed doctor as defined above, shall at any time have or possess any hypodermic syringe or needle or any instrument or implement adapted for the use of cocaine or narcotic drugs by subcutaneous injections, and which is possessed for that purpose, unless such possession is authorized by the certificate of a physician issued within the period of one year prior to any time of such possession. No person shall use, possess or have under their control for use any stem, bowl, lamp, yen hock or other opium-smoking paraphernalia or accessories used for the smoking or inhalation of opium.
(`89 Code, § 133.020) Penalty, see § 10.99