A.   Scope Of Subdivisions: Subdivisions in the City shall be designed for building purposes without apparent danger to health or peril from fire, flood, landslide, subsidence, geologic and natural hazards, or other menace. Land should not be subdivided and developed until available public facilities and improvements exist or adequate guarantees are in place and proper provision has been made for drainage, water, sewerage and capital improvements, such as parks and recreation facilities, streets and transportation facilities, and related improvements. If necessary and required public facilities, infrastructure or safety protections are not in place or cannot be provided for, the subdivision shall not be allowed.
   B.   Conformance To Adopted Standards: Any proposed essential infrastructure improvement shall conform to adopted standards, specifications, and ordinances.
   C.   Burden Of Proof: For all proceedings in regard to development approval under this Title or amendments to this Title, the burden of proof showing satisfaction of all requirements shall rest with the applicant or authorized agent of the proposed development or amendment. The requirements and standards set forth herein are the minimum acceptable standards for land use applications within the City.
   D.   Assumption Of Validity: The City will assume that all information provided is accurate and valid. If any information provided to the City is found to be outdated, false or in any way misleading, the application for development approval may be denied or revoked by the City Council regardless of previous approvals. (Ord. 2024-01, 1-16-2024)