The person to whom any license is issued under this chapter shall be held responsible for compliance with all of the regulations and ordinances of the Municipality governing the premises so licensed and the conditions therein, and shall be held responsible for requiring all persons using such licensed premises to comply with and abide by all the ordinances of the Municipality and State and Federal laws. The Mayor shall, at any time, revoke any license issued hereunder upon failure on the part of the licensee to comply with this chapter. Any such licensee aggrieved by such action shall file his or her complaint with Council for a decision by Council at its next regular meeting, and the decision of Council by a vote of the majority of the members elected thereto shall be final. At such hearing, Council may reinstate the revoked license or reinstate the same upon such conditions as it may then deem proper and just, or may confirm such revocation by the Mayor.
   It shall be sufficient grounds for immediate revocation of a license of any picnic grounds or place if the licensee thereof permits the holding of any gathering contemplated within this chapter upon such lands or grounds without having first obtained or having had exhibited to him or her a permit therefor as provided in this chapter. Such permit, as well as the license, shall be upon the premises at all times during the holding of any such public gathering and shall be exhibited upon request to the Mayor, the Chief of Police or other police officer, and any such officer shall have, at all times, full and free access to the licensed premises for the inspection thereof and for the performance of his or her public duties as such officer.
(Ord. 452. Passed 4-18-35.)