There is hereby created a revolving fund for the purpose of supporting the cost of repairs or demolition deemed necessary through inspection and determination made pursuant to the 2018 International Property Maintenance Code as amended and City Code of Ordinances Chapter 151 herein. Into this fund shall be paid:
   (A)   Civil penalties collected for violations of this chapter pursuant hereto;
   (B)   All license fees collected pursuant to § 151.200;
   (C)   All judgments collected in actions to recover the costs of repair and demolition, pursuant to § 151.255(C);
   (D)   Such other revenues as the city may from time to time authorize to be paid into this fund; and
   (E)   All donations and grants designed to promote the purposes of this chapter, from public or private sources. The Building Inspector is hereby declared to be the authorized agent of the city to apply for and receive all grants, loans and gifts of funds to promote the purposes of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 28-343) (Am. Ord. 4036, § 1, 9-15-2020)