It shall be the duty of the Retirement Committee to:
   (A)   Elect a chairperson, a vice-chairperson and such other officers as the Committee deems appropriate;
   (B)   Hold regular quarterly meetings and special meetings upon the call of the Chairperson;
   (C)   Conduct meetings pursuant to Neb. RS 84-1408 to 84-1414;
   (D)   Provide each employee a summary of plan eligibility requirements, benefit provisions and investment options available to the employee;
   (E)   Provide, within 30 days after a request is made by a participant, a statement describing the amount of benefits the participant is eligible to receive;
   (F)   Make available for review an annual report of the system’s operations describing both the amount of contributions to the system from both employee and employer sources and an identification of the total assets of the retirement system; and
   (G)   Have an analysis made of the investment return that has been achieved on the funds of the Firefighters Retirement System Fund invested by the Committee. The analysis shall be prepared as of January 1, 1989, and at least once every 5 years thereafter. The analysis shall be prepared by an independent private organization or public entity which has demonstrated expertise to perform this type of analysis and which is unrelated to any organization offering investment advice or which provides investment management services to the retirement system.
(Prior Code, § 24-239)
Statutory reference:
   Similar provisions, see Neb. RS 16-1037