In accordance with this title and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall, at any time, park a vehicle upon any of the following described streets or parts of streets:
Third Street from Welch Avenue 1 block west, north side. |
Fourth Street at Jeffers Street intersection, ½ block west and ½ block east, north side. |
Fourth Street from Jeffers Street to Ash Street, south side. |
Fourth Street from Willow Street to a ½ block east of Sycamore Street, north side. |
Fourth Street from Chestnut Street to 90 feet east, both sides. |
Fourth Street between Cottonwood Street and east city limits, both sides. |
Fourth Street from Mills Avenue to Buffalo Bill Avenue, both sides. |
Fourth Street from Buffalo Bill Avenue west 180 feet, south side. |
Fifth Street from Bailey Avenue west to west side of 217 East Fifth Street, north side. |
Sixth Street, East, north side from the west right-of-way line of Tabor Avenue thence west 132 feet. |
Sixth Street from Jeffers Street east 100 feet, north side. |
Sixth Street from Jeffers Street west ½ block and east ½ block, south side. |
Twelfth Street from Jeffers Street east to city limits, both sides. |
Sixteenth Street from Jeffers Street west to Sycamore Street, both sides. Also; Gail Wicks Drive from Sycamore Street to Vine Street, both sides. |
A Street from Buffalo Bill Avenue west to Lakeview Boulevard, both sides. |
A Street from Willow Street east to Vine Street, both sides. |
A Street from Willow Street to Ash Street, south side. |
Ash Street from 300 feet north of Thirteenth Street to Eighteenth Street, west side. |
B Street from Chestnut Street east 55 feet, south side. |
B Street from Cottonwood Street approximately 300 feet east, south side. |
B Street from Vine Street to Bailey Avenue, both sides. |
B Street at Willow Street intersection, ½ block east and ½ block west, both sides. |
Bailey Avenue between A Street and B Street, both sides. |
Bryan Avenue from Philip Avenue to 120 feet south, east side. |
Bryan Avenue from Philip Avenue to 150 feet south of Linda Court, west side. |
Buffalo Bill Avenue from Scouts Rest Ranch Road to the alley between Third Street and Fourth Street, both sides. |
Business Park Drive from State Farm Road to dead-end north of Iron Trail Drive, both sides. |
C Street between Poplar and Silber 30 feet east and 84 feet west of alley, south side. |
C Street between Jeffers Street and Dewey Street between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., both sides. |
Centennial Park from the intersection of Francis Street and Union Avenue for 50 feet south on both sides of Union Avenue, both sides. |
Centennial Park Road from Leota Street and Oak Street south and west 150 feet, north and south sides. |
Charlie Evans Drive from the intersection of Scout Rest Ranch Road to the intersection of Buffalo Bill Avenue, both sides. |
Chestnut Street between Second Street and Third Street, west side. |
Chestnut Street south of Francis Street for 1 block, both sides. |
Cody Park starting at the intersection of Poplar Street extended through Cody Park and proceeding west on the park road south of the men-women softball complex 600 feet on both sides of the park road. |
Commerce Drive from Newberry Access Road east to end of Commerce Drive, both sides. |
Cottonwood Street between Philip Avenue and Francis Street, both sides. |
Custer Avenue between Rodeo Road and Thirteenth Street, both sides. |
Dewey Street between A Street and south city limits, both sides. |
E Street from Willow Street to Sycamore Street, south side. |
Emory Avenue from West Ninth Street north to Rodeo Road, west side. |
Eugene Avenue from Willow Street to Highway 83, both sides. |
Francis Street from Willow Street to Oak Street, south side. |
Francis Street from Ash Street to approximately 540 feet west of Oak Street, north side. |
Francis Street from Jeffers Street to Tabor Avenue, both sides. |
Francis Street from McDonald Road to 50 feet east of Union Avenue, both sides. |
Front Street from Ash Street to west city limits, both sides. |
Grant Avenue between Second Street and Third Street, west side. |
Halligan Drive from Platte Oasis Parkway to Newberry Access Road. |
Iron Trail Drive from Twin Rivers Road to Business Park Drive, both sides. |
Jeffers Street between north city limits and south city limits, both sides. |
Jeffers Street from the South Platte River to South River Road. |
Jefferson Avenue from the 90 feet south of Alpha Street north to West Second Street, east side. |
Lakeview Boulevard, north and south bound lanes, from Front Street to Philip Avenue, both sides. |
Leota Street from Oak Street to the East 700 block of Leota, both sides. |
McDonald Road south of Sunset Drive at crosswalk light, 40 feet north and south of crosswalk, both sides. |
Newberry Access Road from Commerce Drive south to the intersection of State Farm Road, both sides. |
Oak Street at Francis Street intersection 50 feet north and south, both sides. |
Pacific Street from Second Street to Front Street, both sides. |
Philip Avenue from Vine Street to east city limits, both sides. |
Philip Avenue, approximately 130 feet east and west from Willow Street right-of-way lines on Philip Avenue to enable the intersection to function with left turn bays. |
Platte Oasis Parkway from Highway 83 east. |
Poplar Street beneath the viaduct from Front Street thence south approximately 140 feet, both sides. |
Poplar Street from Philip Avenue to Francis Street, west side. |
Rodeo Road between Jeffers Street and west city limits, both sides. |
Sheridan Avenue from A Street to Short Street, west side. |
Silber Avenue from C Street to ½ block north, west side. |
South Parkway Drive from State Farm Road north to the temporary cul-de-sac, both sides. |
South River Road from Jeffers Street to the west city limits. |
State Farm Road at Hwy 83 intersection; east and west to city limits, both sides. |
State Farm Road at Newberry Access Road west to city limits, both sides. |
Sycamore Street, from ½ block north of Thirteenth Street to Eighteenth Street, east side only. |
Twin Rivers Road from State Farm Road to dead-end north of Iron Trail Drive, both sides. |
Walker Road from Newberry Access Road west approximately 2,100 feet (to 2743 East Walker Road), both sides. |
Welch Avenue from Second Street to Fourth Street, east side. |
Willow Street from Rodeo Road Avenue to 50 feet south of Leota Street, both sides. |
Willow Street Loop just south of Front Street under the Willow Viaduct, both sides. |
Willow Street Loop just south of West Seventh Street under the Willow Viaduct, both sides. |
On the hammerhead alleys north of Fifth Street and Seventh Street beneath the Willow Street Viaduct. |
College Drive between Willow Street and South Parkway, both sides. |
Pioneer Drive from Lakeview Boulevard to West A Street, both sides. |
Bryan Avenue; truck parking prohibited from 120 feet south of Philip Avenue to 150 feet south of Linda Court, east side. |
Poplar Street; truck parking prohibited from Philip Avenue to Francis Street, east side. |
On northbound Ash Street beginning 15 feet south of the south right-of-way line of Fourth Street, thence south 72 feet. |
On northbound McDonald Road beginning 15 feet north of the centerline of Cornhusker Circle Drive extended eastward, thence north 75 feet. |
On southbound South Chestnut Street beginning 93 feet north of the north right-of-way line of East B Street, thence north 79 feet. |
(Prior Code, § 50-316) (Res. passed 10-17-1995; Am. Res. passed 7-16-1996; Am. Res. passed 6-19-2001; Am. Res. passed 9-18-2001; Am. Res. passed 11-6-2001; Am. Res. passed 2-5-2002; Am. Res. passed 5-7-2002; Am. Res. passed 7-2-2002; Am. Res. passed 7-1-2003; Am. Res. passed 9-2-2003; Am. Res. passed 10-7-2003; Am. Res. passed 2-3-2004; Am. Res. passed 9-7-2004; Am. Res. passed 4-5-2005; Am. Res. passed 3-6-2012; Am. Res. passed 7-17-2012; Am. Res. passed 1-15- 2013; Am. Res. passed 3-19-2013; Am. Res. passed 2-18-2014; Am. Res. passed 5-20-2014; Am. Res. passed 6-2-2015; Am. Res. passed 9-20-2016; Am. Res. passed 11-1-2016; Am. Res. passed 4-18- 2017; Am. Res. passed 12-5-2017; Am. Res. passed 2-16-2021; Am. Res. passed 5-4-2021; Am. Res. passed 4-19-2022; Am. Res. passed 3-5-2024; Am. Res. passed 3-19-2024)