Candidates for any city office may be nominated by petition. Petitions shall contain signatures of registered voters totaling not less than 10% of the total votes received by the candidate receiving the highest number of votes in the city or ward at the preceding general election in which officers were last elected to the office. They shall be accompanied by a Treasurer’s receipt for the filing fees for the office being sought. All petitions shall provide a space at least 2-1/2 inches long for written signatures, a space at least 2 inches long for printed names and sufficient space for any additional information which may be required. Lines on the petitions shall not be less than 1/4-inch apart. Petitions may be designed in such a manner that lines for signatures and other information run the length of the page rather than the width. Petition signers and petition circulators shall conform to the requirements of Neb. RS 32-713. Petitions must be filed at least 60 days prior to the state primary.
(Prior Code, § 18-8)