(A)   Description. The public right-of-way described in the deed of dedication and shown on the accompanying map (attached to the ordinance codified herein as “Exhibit A”) is a public street in the city and that the same be and hereby is vacated under the terms and provision of ORS Ch. 271.
(Prior Code, § 16.165.000)
   (B)   Filing. The city is hereby instructed to file a certified copy of this chapter with the County Clerk and the County Surveyor or the county under the terms and provisions of ORS Ch. 271.
(Prior Code, § 16.165.005)
   (C)   Community safety. It is necessary and desirable for the peace, health and safety of the citizens of the city for the purpose of providing suitable and appropriate protection of property owners, that this subchapter shall be effective immediately upon passage by the Council and approved by the Mayor, and an emergency is declared to exist.
(Prior Code, § 16.165.010)