§ 155.380 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The Significant Natural Resources Overlay District provides protection for identified significant natural resources within the city as designated under Statewide Planning Goal 5. For the purpose of this overlay zone, significant natural resources are designated as significant wetlands and riparian corridors. These resources have been inventoried within the city according to procedures, standards and definitions established under Goal 5 and are identified on the Significant Natural Resources Map as adopted in the Comprehensive Plan.
   (B)   The Significant Natural Resources Overlay Zone District is intended to:
      (1)   Protect valuable natural resources within the city’s urban growth boundary, while ensuring reasonable economic use of property;
      (2)   Augment existing regulations of water quality sensitive areas, vegetated corridors wetlands and water resources, including Clean Water Services Design and Construction Standards, the Division of State Lands Removal Fill Law (ORS 196.800 to 196.990) and by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ administration of § 404 of the Clean Water Act;
      (3)   Encourage public knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the city’s natural resources;
      (4)   Provide protection of wetlands and riparian corridors to maintain salmonid habitat, water quality, thermal regulation, sediment trapping, hydrologic control of flood waters; stream bank stabilization and other important functions and conditions;
      (5)   Encourage restoration of wetlands and riparian corridors; and
      (6)   Carry out the provisions of Statewide Planning Goal 5.
(Prior Code, § 16.75.000)