§ 155.360 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of the Historic Overlay District is to promote the public health, safety and general welfare by providing for the protection, enhancement, perpetuation and use of designated historic sites and structures in order to:
   (A)   Safeguard the city’s heritage as embodied and reflected in historic resources;
   (B)   Encourage public knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the city’s history and culture;
   (C)   Foster community pride and sense of identity based on recognition and use of historic resources;
   (D)   Promote the enjoyment and use of historic resources appropriate for the education and recreation of the people of the city;
   (E)   Preserve architectural styles reflecting the city’s history;
   (F)   Identify and resolve conflicts between the preservation of historic resources and incompatible improvements and uses; and
   (G)   Carry out the provisions of Land Conservation and Development Commission Goal 5.
(Prior Code, § 16.70.000)