The following dimensional standards shall be the minimum requirements for all development in the C-2 District, except for modifications permitted under §§ 155.530 through 155.533 and §§ 155.610 through 155.614 of this chapter.
   (A)   Lot size.
      (1)   The minimum lot area shall be 5,000 square feet.
      (2)   The minimum lot width shall be 50 feet at the street line.
   (B)   Setback requirements.
      (1)   Front yard: 20 feet;
      (2)   Side yard:
Adjacent to a residential zone
10 feet
Adjacent to any other zone
None required
Adjacent to street
20 feet
      (3)   Rear yard:
Adjacent to a residential zone
10 feet
Adjacent to any other zone
None required
Adjacent to street
20 feet
   (C)   Height of buildings. Buildings in the C-2 District shall not exceed a height of 45 feet.
(Prior Code, § 16.040.025) (Ord. 431, passed 10-3-2016)