§ 155.215 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of the C-1 District is to provide areas in the central business district to:
   (A)   Allow a mixture of complimentary land uses including retail, offices, commercial services, civic and residential uses, to create economic and social vitality and to encourage the linking of trips;
   (B)   Develop commercial and mixed-use areas that are safe, comfortable and attractive to pedestrians;
   (C)   Provide flexibility in the siting and design of new developments and redevelopment to anticipate changes in the marketplace;
   (D)   Reinforce streets as public places that encourage pedestrian and bicycle travel;
   (E)   Provide roadway and pedestrian connections to residential areas;
   (F)   Provide transitions between high traffic streets and neighborhoods;
   (G)   Encourage efficient land use by facilitating compact, high-density development and minimizing the amount of land that is needed for surface parking; and
   (H)   Provide appropriate locations and design standards for automobile- and truck-dependent uses.
(Prior Code, § 16.35.000)