The applicant or the applicant’s representatives should meet with adjacent property owners and neighborhood representatives prior to submitting an application to the city in order to solicit input and exchange information about the proposed development. The applicant for any Type III application, Comprehensive Plan Map or Zoning Map amendment, or annexation must provide for a neighborhood meeting with a recognized neighborhood or community organization. If no organization exists, then the applicant must provide for a meeting with adjacent property owners within a radius of 250 feet of the development site. Evidence of the neighborhood meeting shall be provided with the land use application in the form of an attendance sheet and notes from the meeting.
(Prior Code, § 16.170.010) (Ord. 427, passed 5-16-2016; Ord. 435, passed 12-5-2016; Ord. 445, passed 5-15-2017; Ord. 451, passed 6-4-2018; Ord. 467, passed 1-21-2020)