§ 153.22 APPEAL.
   (A)   An applicant for a special event permit may appeal its denial or conditional approval by filing an appeal which must:
      (1)   Be written;
      (2)   Include a copy of the City Manager’s decision;
      (3)   Include a short statement why the decision is illegal, erroneous or otherwise improper;
      (4)   Be addressed to the Council; and
      (5)   Be filed with the City Recorder within seven business days of the date the City Manager’s decision is mailed.
   (B)   Upon receipt of a properly filed appeal of an application for a special event permit, the Council will:
      (1)   Consider the appeal within 30 days;
      (2)   If deemed appropriate by the Council, hear argument and consider new evidence from the applicant as well as from city staff or interested persons; and
      (3)   Issue a decision either orally or in writing to affirm, reverse or modify the City Manager’s decision.
   (C)   The decision of the Council is final and may only be reconsidered by writ of review.
   (D)   Decisions of the City Council to deny a special event are final and cannot be appealed.
(Prior Code, § 5.20.157) (Ord. 177, passed 6-19-1989; Ord. 205, passed 12-2-1991; Ord. 210, passed 6-1-1992; Ord. 272, passed 3-6-2000; Ord. 399, passed 10-17-2011)