   No person shall use or occupy any portion of a street or sidewalk for the purpose of vending goods, wares or merchandise by public outcry or otherwise, unless a license has first been obtained.
(Prior Code, § 4.05.110) Penalty, see § 131.99
§ 131.09 HAULING.
   No person shall haul sand, gravel, rock, wood or other substance in any vehicle or conveyance that is so constructed or in such condition as to allow the sand, gravel, rock, wood or other substance to fall on and litter the public streets of the city.
(Prior Code, § 4.05.140) Penalty, see § 131.99
   (A)   No person shall create an objectionable stench or degrade the beauty or appearance of property or detract from the natural cleanliness or safety of property by intentionally:
      (1)   Discarding or depositing any rubbish, trash, garbage, debris or other refuse upon the land of another without permission of the owner, or upon any public way;
      (2)   Draining, or causing or permitting to be drained, sewage or the drainage from a cesspool, septic tank, recreational or camping vehicle waste holding tank, or other contaminated source upon the land of another without permission of the owner or upon any public way; and/or
      (3)   Permit any rubbish, trash, garbage, debris or other refuse to be thrown from a vehicle which he or she is operating; except that, this division (A)(3) shall not apply to a person operating a vehicle transporting passengers for hire subject to regulation by the Interstate Commerce Commission or the Public Utility Commissioner of the state or a person operating a school bus subject to ORS 485.010 to 485.060.
   (B)   As used in this section, PUBLIC WAY includes, but is not limited to, roads, streets, alleys, lanes, trails, beaches, parks and all recreational facilities operated by the city, state or county for use by the general public.
(Prior Code, § 4.05.150) Penalty, see § 131.99
   No person with the intent to interfere with the use and enjoyment of a public place shall block, attempt to block or interfere with any person(s) use and enjoyment of the public place by any means, including, but not limited to:
   (A)   Causing or attempting to cause another person to reasonably fear that he or she will be subjected to any offensive physical contact either to his or her person or to personal property in his or her immediate possession;
   (B)   Engaging in fighting or in violent, tumultuous or threatening behavior;
   (C)   Making unreasonable noise;
   (D)   Disturbing any lawful assembly of persons without lawful authority;
   (E)   Congregating with other persons in the public place and refusing to comply with a lawful order of the police to disperse; or
   (F)   Creating a hazardous or physically offensive condition by any act which the person is not licensed or privileged to do.
(Prior Code, § 4.05.240) (Ord. 227, passed 1-3-1994) Penalty, see § 131.99
   (A)   A person commits the offense of negotiating a bad check if the person makes, draws or utters a check or similar sight order for the payment of money, knowing that it will not be honored by the drawee.
   (B)   For purposes of this section, unless the check or order is post-dated, it is prima facie evidence of knowledge that the check or order would not be honored if:
      (1)   The drawer has no account with the drawee at the time the check or order is drawn or uttered; or
      (2)   Payment is refused by the drawee for lack of funds, upon presentation within 30 days after the date of utterance, and the drawer fails to make good within ten days after receiving notice of refusal.
(Prior Code, § 4.05.250) (Ord. 234, passed 7-25-1994) Penalty, see § 131.99