§ 93.11 APPEAL.
   (A)   An applicant who has been denied a permit or whose permit has been revoked may, following written notice of the denial or revocation, appeal in writing to the Council. The appeal shall state:
      (1)   The name and address of the appellant;
      (2)   The nature of the determination being appealed;
      (3)   The reason the determination is incorrect; and
      (4)   What the correct determination of the appeal should be.
   (B)   (1)   An appellant who fails to file such a statement within the time permitted waives his or her objections and the appeal shall be dismissed.
      (2)   The Council shall hear and determine the appeal on the basis of the written statement and such additional evidence as it considers appropriate.
      (3)   The appellant shall be provided at least 14 days’ written notice of a hearing on the appeal.
   (C)   (1)   At the hearing, the appellant may present testimony and oral argument, personally or by counsel, and any additional evidence.
      (2)   The rules of evidence as used by courts of law do not apply, and the decision of the Council after the hearing is final.
(Prior Code, § 6.10.150) (Ord. 106, passed 8-17-1981)