(A)   No permittee, or persons having control of the public assembly, shall permit any person to bring onto the property any intoxicating liquor, nor permit intoxicating liquor to be consumed on the property. No person, during the public assembly, shall take or carry onto or drink on the property intoxicating liquor, except as licensed or permitted by state law.
   (B)   The burden of preserving order during the public assembly is upon the permittee. A violation of state law, of the terms and conditions of this chapter, or the permit granted under this chapter may be cause for immediate revocation of the permit by the Council. Upon revocation of a permit, the permittee shall immediately terminate the assembly and provide for the orderly dispersal of those in attendance.
   (C)   The Council, its authorized agents and representatives, and the representatives of the state and county departments having responsibility for approval of conditions under this chapter, shall be granted access to the public assembly at all times for the purpose of inspection and enforcement of the terms and conditions imposed by this chapter.
   (D)   No musical entertainment, either live or recorded, using sound amplification equipment shall be operated in a location which is less than 1,000 feet from a school house, church, dwelling unit or any other place of permanent human habitation; and there shall be no programmed entertainment provided between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.
   (E)   If, at any time during the conduct of the public assembly, the number of persons in attendance exceeds, by 10%, the number of persons represented by an applicant for the permit, the Council or the county’s Health Officer shall have the authority to require the applicant to limit further admissions until all conditions and provisions of this chapter are met.
   (F)   Any applicant with more than a 10% proprietary interest in the public assembly and the owner of the property or person in charge of the property shall be required to be in attendance at the public assembly and shall be responsible for ensuring that no person is allowed to remain on the premises who is violating a state, county or city law, chapter, rule or regulation.
   (G)   Public assemblies operating without a permit under this chapter based on a reasonable anticipation of less than 150 persons in attendance shall limit attendance to 149 persons; and printed tickets, if used, cannot number more than 149.
(Prior Code, § 6.10.140) (Ord. 106, passed 8-17-1981) Penalty, see § 93.99