Following the approval by the City Council of the disposition of such property by the Chief of Police, the Chief of Police shall proceed to sell such property at public auction for the highest and best price obtainable. Notice of the time and place of such auction shall be given by one public notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the city not less than five days, nor more than ten days, before the date of sale. The notice shall also contain a description of each item of property to be sold. In the event that the owner of said personal property to be sold is known or can be determined from public records, then the Chief of Police shall give written notice, by certified mail, to the owner at the owner’s last known address indicated on the public record. The written notice of sale to the owner shall not be less than five days, nor more than ten days, before the date of sale.
(Prior Code, § 1.15.040) (Ord. 100, passed 2-16-1981)