When a customer or other person is interested in making a withdrawal of water greater than 7,500 gallons, arrangements shall be made with the city prior to withdrawing such water. Permission shall be given only if water can be withdrawn in a manner that will not adversely effect the existing water system or inhibit the ability of existing customers to maintain consistent water service as determined by the Public Works Director or the City Engineer.
(Prior Code, § 3.05.250) (Ord. 260, passed 4-5-1999; Ord. 274, passed 6-26-2000; Ord. 275, passed 6-5-2000; Ord. 287, passed 4-16-2001; Ord. 294, passed 7-1-2002; Ord. 313, passed 4-5-2004; Ord. 318, passed 7-19-2004)