(a)   Hours of Operation.
      (1)   With the exception of North Perry Village Hall, North Perry Village Parks, and all facilities contained and/or situated therein, including beach areas, shall be open from 10:00 a.m. until dark, seven days a week unless, in the interest of the health, safety and welfare of Village residents, it is determined by the North Perry Village Parks Manager that such park(s) should be closed.
      (2)   North Perry Village Hall and its adjoining parking area shall be and remain open during the following:
         A.   At all times necessary to fairly, properly and reasonably conduct Village business, including, but not limited to, the use of the Hall by any employee, committee appointee, officer and/or official of the Village for such purpose.
         B.   At all times for which such Hall has been rented (in accordance with the hall rental rules and regulations established by the North Perry Village Parks Manager) for the private use of a Village resident or residents; provided, however, that, in no event, shall the Hall be utilized for any private event, function, meeting, gathering, celebration, or other purpose after 11:00 p.m.
            (Ord. 428.  Passed 10-6-94.)
      (3)   Whoever violates subsection (a) herein shall be guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
         (Ord. 92-392.  Passed 12-3-92.)
   (b)   Reservations.
      (1)   Reservations for use of any ball diamond, tennis court or other park facility may be obtained from the North Perry Village Parks Manager.  Otherwise such facilities are available on a first come basis.
      (2)   All tennis courts have a one hour time limit when others are waiting to play.
   (c)   Children.  No individual under the age of twelve shall be permitted in a North Perry Village Park unless accompanied by an adult.
   (d)   Fires.  No person shall be permitted to build, maintain or otherwise cause the burning of an open fire except in those areas specifically designated for same and with the consent of the North Perry Village Parks Manager. (A.O.)
   (e)   Residents and Guests.
      (1)   Unless otherwise authorized, use of the North Perry Village Parks shall be limited to residents of North Perry Village and their guests.  Residents of homes located within Madison Township but fronting upon the eastern side of Townline Road and same being north of U.S. Route 20 (commonly known as North Ridge Road) may also use North Perry Village Parks, but shall not be permitted to bring guests.
         (Ord. 92-387.  Passed 6-4-92.)
      (2)   All individuals using North Perry Village Parks shall, upon request, provide identification or be subject to immediate removal from the Park. (A.O.)
      (3)   All residents of North Perry Village shall, with the permission of the North Perry Village Parks Manager, be permitted to bring a reasonable number of guests into North Perry Village Parks at any time and use all facilities situated therein provided the activity planned, the number of individuals involved in such activity, and/or the time anticipated for the use or activity shall not unreasonably interfere with the enjoyment of the Park facility by the general public.
         (Ord. 92-387.  Passed 6-4-92.)
   (f)   Litter.
      (1)   No person shall, within the boundaries of North Perry Village Parks, dispose of, or cause to be disposed of, litter of any kind, except in receptacles provided for such use.
      (2)   Whoever violates this subsection is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
   (g)   Sales.
      (1)   No person shall sell, peddle, hock or offer for sale, any article, goods, wares, or merchandise within the boundaries of North Perry Village Parks.
      (2)   Whoever violates this subsection is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.  Each act deemed to be in violation shall be considered a separate offense subject to a separate penalty.
   (h)   Picnic Areas.
      (1)   Picnic area reservations may be obtained from the North Perry Village Parks Manager.  Otherwise the picnic areas are available on a first come basis.
      (2)   No person shall move a picnic table from its location without permission of North Perry Village Parks Manager; and, no person shall walk, stand or sit upon any picnic table tops.
      (3)   Whoever violates this subsection is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
   (i)   Confiscation.  Any property, material, vehicle, watercraft, thing, item or other device found to have been located, stored, possessed or used in a North Perry Village Park in violation of these Park Rules, or any other law, ordinance, statute or resolution shall be seized and confiscated by the North Perry Village Parks Manager or authorized law enforcement officer.