   1155.08  STORM DRAINAGE.
   An adequate storm drainage system shall be provided for each subdivision and documented in the Stormwater Management Plan. The design of said system shall be based on a minimum five-year frequency.
   (a)    Rainfall intensity, runoff coefficients and concentration times used in computing flows and structure sizes shall be in accordance with the tables, charts and the data established in the Stormwater Management Plan for such calculations. All areas which contribute storm water to the proposed storm drainage system must be considered on the determination of the sizes of pipes, structures and channels.
   (b)    Drainage plans shall be accompanied by two (2) copies of the design computations and a topographic map showing existing and proposed contours and indicating design increments. Hydraulic gradient checks for less frequent storms may also be required by the Village Engineer where deemed appropriate.
   (c)    Culvert sizes shall be determined by using the Rational design method and shall be based on a minimum ten-year frequency rainfall, or other more stringent methodology as required by the Village Engineer and the Stormwater Management Plan.
   (d)    Bridges shall be based on a fifty-year frequency storm using the design method contained in Ohio Department of Natural Resources Bulletin #45.
   (e)    Detention ponds or basins shall be provided where necessary to control the volume and velocity of storm water leaving the site. Detention ponds and basins shall be designed to meet and exceed the Stormwater Management Plan. Such facilities shall be approved by the Village Engineer and the Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District.
   (f)    Storm sewer and drainage system connections shall be provided to every lot at least to the building setback line, and easements shall be provided by the subdivider for maintenance. The subdivider shall provide for the continued maintenance or for a property owner association or for an agreement for such continued maintenance that meets the approval of the Village Solicitor and the Planning Commission. All downspouts shall be connected. Such connections shall be to underground piping. No above ground drainage pipe shall be permitted.
   (g)    Footer drains shall be connected to storm sewers or drainage system as required by the Lake County Building Department standards. The building contractor or excavator shall test and determine the water level at the excavation site and notify the Village Engineer of this level before the foundation is placed.
   (h)    Storm sewers shall be constructed of materials approved for use by the Village Engineer based on performance standards as established by the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT).
   (i)    Manholes shall be provided at all changes in alignment, end points, and grade changes of storm sewers and at such other locations as necessary to provide sufficient maintenance access and maintain a maximum interval between manholes on storm sewers of three hundred-fifty feet (350) for pipes sizes twelve (12) inches to twenty-four (24) inches and five hundred (500) feet for pipe sizes greater than twenty-four (24) inches or shorter distance intervals as required by the Village Engineer.
   (j)    Storm inlet or catch basin grates shall be of a type design to permit safe crossing by bicycles and other pedestrian traffic as approved by the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT).
      (Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)
   (a)    Erosion Control Plan:
      (1)    Measures shall be taken to minimize erosion and its impacts during subdivision construction activity.
      (2)    All construction and improvement activity areas including but not limited to berms, ditches, streams, retention areas, and slopes shall be protected against soil erosion by seeding within 15 days of the completion of such activity. In the interim, mechanical methods such as mulch, silt fencing, and temporary seeding shall cover and contain all exposed areas throughout the site during construction and prior to seeding.
      (3)    Detailed Erosion Control Plans set forth the techniques to be used both temporarily (during construction) and permanently and a schedule for implementing or installing same shall be submitted to Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District for review and recommendation. Evidence that the plans for same meet or exceed Lake County Soil and Water Conservation Department regulations, Lake County Engineering requirements, and North Perry Village Regulations, shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval of the final plat.
      (4)    All erosion control devices shall be in place and maintained at the start of construction and other measures shall be implemented.
      (5)    Erosion control plans shall be based upon controlling erosion on-site with the object of eliminating or minimizing erosion or sedimentation impacts off-site. Techniques, devices or measures used shall meet or exceed Village Regulations and shall be as approved by the Village Engineer based on current policies and standards.
      (6)    No construction shall proceed in streams, waterways, retention ponds, conservation areas or areas deemed to be retained as natural by the Planning Commission without an inspector reporting to the Village Engineer present.
      (7)    A bond to an amount satisfactory to cover all construction restoration and potential remediation shall be required. The amount of such bond shall meet or exceed the Village Engineer estimate of such construction and be to the satisfaction of the Village Solicitor.
   (b)    Erosion Control Schedule: A schedule for implementing, installing and inspecting of all erosion control measures shall be updated by the Village Engineer as work progresses.
   (c)    Penalties:
      (1)    The Zoning Inspector in consultation with the Village Engineer shall issue a stop work order for failure to maintain adequate erosion control measures or failure to maintain an erosion control schedule. Such penalty shall remain in effect until corrective measures are installed and functioning to the satisfaction of the Lake Soil and Water Conservation District and the Village Engineer.
      (2)    Additional financial penalties or remediation requirements may be imposed at the recommendation or direction of the Lake Soil and Water Conservation District and the Village.
         (Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)
   1155.10  UTILITIES.
   (a)    Location of Utilities: All utilities (including but not limited to gas, electric, telephone and CATV cables) shall be located underground throughout the subdivision. Wherever existing utility facilities are located above ground, they shall be removed and placed underground as recommended and approved by the Planning Commission.
   (b)    Utility and Drainage Easements
      (1)    Utility easements.
         A.    Easements twelve (12) feet in width shall be provided adjacent to each side of and contiguous with all proposed and existing rights-of-way. Such easements shall be usable for any and all underground utilities licensed in the Village of North Perry.
         B.    Where utilities are not located in the street, easements of at least twelve (12) feet in width and no greater than twenty (20) feet total width and shall be located contiguous with or on the center of rear lot lines and on side lot lines where necessary. No trees shall be planted or structures constructed on such easements.
      (2)    Drainage ways.
         A.    Where a subdivision is traversed by a water course, drainage system, or stream, a storm water setback or conservation easement, conforming with the Comprehensive Plan and substantially with the lines of such watercourse shall be provided. The easement shall be at least twenty (20) feet wide or of such further width as is adequate for the purpose. Parallel rear lot lines may be required along such way.
         B.    The Planning Commission at its discretion, may allow other such uses as may be deemed in the best interest of the Village within said easement. No structures shall be erected on a drainage easement.
            (Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)
   1155.11  LANDSCAPING.
   (a)    All improved areas within dedicated street rights of way shall be graded, top-soiled, and seeded in accordance with the Construction Improvement Plan and schedule and approved by the Village Engineer. The subdivider shall submit a landscape plan as a part of the Improvement Plan for approvals. Trees shall be required and in accordance with the approved landscape plan as required by the Planning Commission.
   (b)    The location of existing trees to be preserved on the site shall be shown on a landscaping plan to be submitted with the construction drawings.
   (c)    The subdivider shall be responsible for the establishment of required trees and such responsibility shall extend for one (1) year from the date of original planting. The Village Engineer shall require that a bond be posted or an amount included in the Performance and Maintenance Bond to ensure the planting and replacement of trees. The amount of said bond shall be based on the estimated costs of planting and establishing the required trees.
(Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)