1155.02  STREETS.
   Streets shall be designed and constructed so as to meet the following criteria:
   (a)    Road Pavement Width: Pavement widths shall be measured back-to-back of curbs. Pavement thickness and street type used shall be determined based on the fully developed traffic potential of the street, the amount of intersecting streets, the maximum potential traffic projection, and the upward progression of design from intersecting streets.
      (1)    Right-of-way and pavement widths shall be designed to meet or exceed the size as shown in the following table.
Street Type
Minimum Right
of Way
Arterial or Major Highway
80 ft.
48 ft.
Collector, Cul-de-sac Collector, Marginal Access
60 ft.
24 ft.
Local Street
60 ft.
24 ft.
Cul-de-sac Local (less than 700 ft. length)
60 ft.
24 ft.
Commercial Neighborhood Street
38 ft.
24 ft.
      (2)    Turn-around road endings on cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum 100 feet diameter right of way and 90 feet diameter pavement unless a larger diameter is required by the Chief of the Joint Perry Fire District. The turn- around shall be paved to meet the minimum ninety (90) foot diameter pavement requirements. Turnout radii of pavement at cul-desacs shall be fifty feet minimum. Permanent cul-de-sac roads may contain a landscaped center island. Center islands landscaping on cul-de-sac roads shall be maintained by and at the expense of a Homeowners Association.
   (b)    Pavement Content: Pavement shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete  conforming to  Section 450 of Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Specifications, or full- depth asphalt conforming to Section 400 of the same specifications, or such other combination of materials that will meet and exceed the same design criteria as approved in writing by the Village Engineer. The selection of pavement construction material may be specified by the Planning and Zoning Commission for the purpose of present or future neighborhood compatibility
   (c)    Pavement Thickness:
      (1)    Pavement thickness shall be as per the following chart:
Portland Cement
Street Type
Arterial or Major Highway;
Collector (Cul-de-Sac or Marginal
Access); Commercial Neighborhood
Local Street
(Thru or Cul-de-Sac)
      (2)    Pavement thickness illustrated above may be modified through the usage of soil-cement stabilization or geotextile fabrics. Calculations by a registered Engineer, shall demonstrate that the resulting stabilized road will exceed these standards, and shall be submitted to the Village Engineer for written pre-approval.
      (3)    In addition to the above chart, all asphalt pavement thickness shall be designed using the results of testing indicating the California Bearing Ratio (CBR).
      (4)    Concrete pavement shall also be evaluated and tested to the satisfaction of the Village Engineer. These tests shall be conducted by a registered Geotechnical Engineer and his report, certifications and recommendations shall be submitted to the Village Engineer prior to submission of final plans. All costs relative to such testing and evaluation shall be borne by the applicant. The Village Engineer shall recommend the final pavement type  and thickness in writing to the Planning Commission.
   (d)    Curbs and Sidewalk Ramps:
      (1)    Curbs shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete in accordance with Section 499 of the ODOT specifications.
      (2)    Where pavement type is Portland cement, a four (4) inch mountable, integral curb will be provided.
      (3)    Where pavement type is full-depth asphalt, a two and one-half (2-1/2) foot curb and gutter section conforming to a type 3 ODOT standard shall be provided.
      (4)    Intersections handicap ramps shall be provided at walk extensions.
   (e)    Road Under-drains: Under-drains shall be provided along both sides of all roads and in under-road locations designated by the Village Engineer. Pipe size, depth and backfill materials and construction fabrics shall be as approved by the Village Engineer based on soil, silt and sediment accumulation potential and site conditions to minimize and prevent sedimentation in these lines.
   (f)    Road Sub-Base: Sub-base shall be free of sod, vegetation, soft clay, water, or other objectionable material for a minimum depth of two (2) feet below finished subgrade. The sub-base shall be rolled, shaped and compacted to a minimum depth of one (1) foot below subgrade and to a minimum width of eighteen (18) inches beyond the back of curbs. Compaction shall not be less than one hundred percent (100%) of maximum dry density. The subdivider’s Engineer may recommend fabric underlay in addition to this sub-base due to wetness, soil, materials and site conditions for the approval by the Village Engineer.
   (g)    Road Radius and Horizontal and Vertical Alignment:
      (1)    The minimum radius at intersections measured at the outside of pavement shall be 35 feet for local and collector streets and 50 feet for arterial streets.
      (2)    Horizontal and vertical alignment shall meet the minimum standards as shown on the following table:
Minimum Horizontal Centerline Radius
500 ft.
350 ft.
200 ft.
100 ft.
350 ft.
Minimum Tangent Between
Reverse Curves (Road Centerline Dimension)
200 ft.
100 ft.
50 ft.
50 ft.
100 ft.
Minimum Clear Sight
500 ft.
400 ft.
200 ft.
100 ft.
400 ft.
Minimum Gradient
Distance Maximum Gradient
Minimum Vertical Curve Length
100 ft.
100 ft.
50 ft.
50 ft.
100 ft.
Minimum Street Intersection
80 deg.
80 deg.
75 deg.
70 deg.
80 deg.
Minimum Intersection Centerline
300 ft.
250 ft.
150 ft.
150 ft.
250 ft.
      (3)    Where the vertical curve length results in a potential hazard as determined by sight and stopping distances, the vertical curve length may be increased by the Village Engineer.
      (4)    Vertical curves shall be provided at any change of vertical grade where the algebraic difference on grades is 0.5% or greater. Sight distance shall be determined by most recent standards established by American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).
   (h)    Commercial Planned Development: Where the Planning Commission approves a Commercial Planned Development plan pursuant to this Planning and Zoning Code, which shall only occur due to either topographical conditions, existing utility locations, or the relationship of the Commercial District to Route 20 and where commercial buildings will have their front or rear facing on a commercial neighborhood street, a commercial neighborhood street may be provided and improved in lieu of other street types designated in these Subdivision Regulations. In the event a Commercial Planned Development plan is approved, the Planning Commission may grant modifications or variances to these Subdivision Rules when it will have no adverse effect on the health, safety and welfare of the Village and will help promote the development of the Commercial Planned Development. Such action shall be deemed to be a waiver of the Subdivision Regulations and shall be granted only in compliance with the procedures set forth in the Subdivision Regulations. In each instance when any improvement will occur and such improvement is subject to these Subdivision Regulations, the Planning Commission shall determine the appropriate street type to be required for such development.
      (1)    The intersection of more than two (2) streets at a point or with centerline offsets of less than one hundred fifty (150) feet shall not be permitted.
      (2)    Property lines at street intersections shall be rounded with a radius of not less than twenty-five (25) feet.
   (i)    Street Name: Street names shall be selected that will not duplicate or be confused with the names of existing streets in the vicinity irrespective of modifying terms such as street, avenue, boulevard, etc. Streets that are or will eventually be continuations of existing or planted streets shall be named the same. Street names shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Commission and wherever possible shall be in accordance with the following system:
General Direction
Long Continuous
Short Disconnected
Lanes or Circles
(Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)