The purpose of this section is to regulate the placement, orientation, distribution patterns, and fixture types of outdoor lighting on nonresidential sites in order to preserve, protect and enhance the character of the Village and the safety of its residents.
(a) All outdoor lighting fixtures located on the site (including lighting for signs and on buildings) shall be arranged so as to:
(1) Provide safety, utility and security;
(2) Control light trespass and glare on adjacent properties and public roadways; and
(3) Reduce atmospheric light pollution.
(b) Lighting Plan Required: Lighting plans shall be submitted for approval with all applications for zoning permits in nonresidential districts and for all nonresidential uses in residential districts unless specifically exempted below.
(c) Exemptions.
(1) Decorative outdoor lighting fixtures with bulbs that do not exceed 25 watts, installed seasonally, are exempt from the requirements of this article.
(2) Temporary construction or emergency lighting is exempt from the requirements of this section. Such lighting shall be discontinued immediately upon completion of the construction work or abatement of the emergency necessitating such lighting.
(3) All outdoor lighting fixtures existing and legally installed prior to the effective date of this article shall be exempt from the requirements of this article. When existing lighting fixtures become inoperative, their replacements are subject to the provisions of this article.
(d) Outdoor Lighting Standards:
(1) All outdoor lighting fixtures subject to these requirements (including but not limited to lighting fixtures used for parking areas, buildings, building overhangs, canopies, signs, displays and landscaping), shall be full cut-off type fixtures, except for decorative light fixtures (See Figure 1141.10).

(2) Lighting attached to a canopy or awning shall be recessed ceiling fixtures.
(3) No light fixture shall exceed 24 feet above grade. The maximum height for non-cutoff lighting fixtures shall be 12 feet above grade.
(4) The maximum level of light trespass at a property line shall be 0.5 footcandles at the property line.
(5) Exterior lighting shall not be designed or located in such a way as to shine directly into an adjacent dwelling unit, regardless of the applicable zoning district.
(6) Outdoor lighting shall not be of such an intensity or color distortion as to cause glare or to impair the vision of drivers or pedestrians. Mercury lighting shall be prohibited.
(7) Uniform lighting shall be provided to prevent various intensities of lighting throughout the parking area. Such uniform lighting shall be illustrated in the required lighting plan.
(8) Lighting attached to a building shall not be designed, located, or mounted so as to exceed the height of the building.
(9) The use of search lights, laser lighting, or lights that pulse, flash, rotate or simulate motion for advertising or promotions is prohibited.
(Ord. 19-10. Passed 11-7-19.)