(a)    New Sites. No zoning permit shall be issued hereafter for any nonresidential site development or the construction or improvement of any building, structure or vehicular use area except where landscaping and buffering for such development or construction has been approved as required by the provisions of this Code.
   (b)    Existing Sites. No building, structure, or vehicular use area shall be constructed or expanded unless the minimum landscaping required by the provisions of this chapter is provided to the property to the extent of its alteration or expansion. In the case of a substantial expansion, the entire site must be brought into compliance with the minimum requirements of this subchapter. An alteration or expansion to an existing property is substantial when:
      (1)    In the case of a building or structure expansion which does not involve additional land, the square footage of the alteration or expansion exceeds twenty-five percent (25%) of the square footage of the existing building exclusive of the alteration or expansion;
      (2)    In the case of an alteration or expansion involving both an existing building or structure and additional land, and, if applicable, additional structures or buildings, the area or square footage of the expanded or altered land or structure or building, respectively, exceeds twenty-five percent (25%) of the area or square footage of the existing land or structure or building respectively, exclusive of the alteration or expansion.
      (3)    "Land," as used herein, includes land used for space, parking or building purposes.
      (4)    Where there is no expansion of a structure but the vehicular use area is expanded, this article shall apply to any new vehicular use areas.
         (Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)