(a)    Signs that meet the standards of this subsection are exempt from the standards for permanent signs and are not counted in the total square footage of signage permitted on the site. Signs that do not meet the standards of this subsection are subject to the standards for permanent signs.
   (b)    Temporary Signs on Residential Lots. Temporary signs on residential lots are subject to the following provisions:
      (1)    All single family residential lots are permitted unlighted temporary signs provided the combined area of the temporary signs does not to exceed four (4) square feet in area and four (4) feet in height.
      (2)    A temporary sign shall not be displayed longer than 90 days, two times per 365-day period.
      (3)    Temporary freestanding signs shall be located on private property no closer than 6 feet from the right-of-way line and 15 feet from a side lot line.
   (c)    Temporary Commercial Signs for Nonresidential Uses. One temporary freestanding sign or banner attached to the front of the building shall be permitted for a period not to exceed 90 consecutive days unless Planning Commission approves an extension. The maximum sign area shall be twelve (12) square feet and the height shall not exceed four (4) feet.
   (d)    One additional temporary sign may be placed on a property that is actively marketed for sale or lease. Such signs shall not exceed eight (8) square feet in area and may have no more than two sign faces.
(Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)