1139.01 INTENT.
   The purpose of this Chapter is to promote and protect public health, welfare and safety by
regulating signs of all types, while balancing the need for a well maintained and attractive community, and the need for adequate identification, communication and advertising. The regulations for signs have the following specific objectives:
   (a)    To ensure that signs are designed, constructed, installed and maintained according to minimum standards to safeguard life, health, property and public welfare;
   (b)    To foster public safety along public streets within the Village by ensuring that all signs are placed in safe and appropriate locations;
   (c)    To reflect and support the desired ambience and development patterns of the  various zoning districts; protect and preserve the aesthetic quality and physical appearance of the Village; and promote an attractive environment;
   (d)    To allow for adequate and effective signs whose dimensional characteristics further the interests of public safety and the needs of the motorist, where signs are viewed from a street;
   (e)    To ensure that the constitutionally guaranteed right of free expression is protected;
   (f)    To provide review procedures that enable the Village to adequately evaluate proposed signs and their relationship to the site, building, and surroundings; and
   (g)    To prohibit all signs not expressly permitted by this Chapter.
      (Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)