(a) A zoning permit is required for the construction or replacement of all swimming pools.
(b) A swimming pool, as regulated herein, shall be any pool or open tank above or below ground designed or intended to be used for swimming purposes not located within a completely enclosed building.
(c) Location Requirements.
(1) All residential swimming pools shall be located on the same site as the dwelling served and located in compliance with the requirements set forth in Section 1133.04.
(2) In all other districts, swimming pools shall be located in a side or rear yard, in compliance with the required building setbacks.
(d) Security. Every swimming pool (except those four (4) feet high above the surrounding ground and with retractable steps or ladder with a locking device that prevents access) shall be completely enclosed by an aesthetically acceptable fence or wall of sturdy construction not less than four (4) feet in height. Such fence or wall must effectively prevent a child from crawling or otherwise passing through or under it. Such fence or wall must be maintained in good condition with a gate and locking device, and must conform to all other regulations on fences and walls in this regulation.
(e) Public Pool Requirements.
(1) All public pools must comply with the health and safety standards as set forth by the Lake County General Health District and the State Board of Health.
(2) All plans for such public pool shall indicate the location of pool, location of all buildings, parking areas, fencing and screening.
(Ord. 19-10. Passed 11-7-19.)