(a)    A proposed amendment to the Planning and Zoning Code initiated by Council or initiated by a property owner through a completed application shall be referred to the Village Planning Commission for their consideration and recommendation thereon.
   (b)    If the Planning Commission has initially proposed the matter to Council in the form of an ordinance, then the provisions herein of referral to the Planning Commission for recommendation shall not be applicable.
   (c)    The Planning Commission shall recommend one of the following:
      (1)    That the amendment be approved as requested,
      (2)    That the amendment be approved as modified by the Planning Commission as the Commission may deem reasonable or necessary, or
      (3)    That the amendment be denied. If no action has been taken by Planning Commission within sixty days from the first regular meeting following receipt of the application, unless extended by the Planning Commission with written consent of the applicant, then the proposed amendment shall be deemed to have been denied by the Planning Commission. The secretary of the Planning Commission shall forthwith transmit to the Clerk of Council either the recommendation of the Commission, or the fact that the Commission has not made a recommendation on such application within its allotted time period.
         (Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)