An application for a zoning text or zoning map amendment initiated by at least one owner or lessee of property or developer with an option to purchase such property within the area proposed to be changed or affected by said amendment shall be submitted and reviewed according to the following:
(a) Discussion with Planning Commission. Prior to submitting an application for an amendment to the Planning and Zoning Code and/or the Zoning Map, the applicant shall appear before the Planning Commission to informally discuss the proposed amendment. However, no action shall be taken at such a meeting and no discussions, opinions, suggestions, or recommendations of the Planning Commission shall be relied upon by the applicant to indicate subsequent approval or disapproval of the proposed amendment.
(b) Submission Requirements. An application for amendment to the Planning and Zoning Code and/or the Zoning Map shall be in such form and contain such information as shall be prescribed from time to time by the Zoning Inspector, including the information listed below:
(1) The name, address and phone number of the applicant and the property wner if other than the applicant;
(2) A statement of the reason(s) for the proposed amendment;
(3) A statement on the ways in which the proposed amendment relates to the adopted plans and policies of the Village;
(4) Additional information, including:
A. The parcel numbers and the exact dimensions of the properties involved
B. Legal description of the parcel(s) to be rezoned, drawn by an Ohio registered/licensed surveyor;
C. Present use and zoning district; and the proposed use and zoning district;
D. A vicinity map at a scale approved by the Zoning Inspector showing the existing conditions including: zoning, property lines, streets, structures, and such other items as the Zoning Inspector may require;
(5) When the application includes an amendment to section(s) of the Planning and Zoning Code, the application shall include the proposed amendment or addition to the Code, specifying the existing and proposed section number(s).
(6) Payment of the application fee as established by Council.
(c) Acceptance of Application and Transmittal to Planning Commission. The Zoning Inspector shall review the submitted application for completeness in accordance with Section 1107.02(d). When the application is determined complete, the Zoning Inspector shall officially accept the application for consideration and transmit the application to the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 19-10. Passed 11-7-19.)