An application for a variance shall be filed for review by the Board of Zoning Appeals. The application shall include all such forms, maps, and information, as may be prescribed for that purpose by the Zoning Inspector to assure the fullest practicable presentation of the facts for the permanent record, including:
   (a)    The completed application form, along with the appropriate review fee;
   (b)    Legal description of property or portion thereof;
   (c)    Description or nature of variance requested;
   (d)    Narrative statements establishing and substantiating the justification for the variance pursuant to the criteria in Section 1113.08(b); and,
   (e)    A plan, neatly and legibly drawn to adequately depict the information showing the following, where applicable:
      (1)    The lot/parcel identification of the subject site and the adjacent parcels;
      (2)    The street providing access to the lot as well as the location and setback of driveways;
      (3)    The actual dimensions of the lot, the setbacks and other open space dimensions thereof and the location and size of any existing structures thereon;
      (4)    The location and size of the proposed structure, and/or the proposed enlargement of existing structures;
   (f)    List of all owners of the property contiguous to and directly across the street from the property for which the variance is requested.
   (g)    Any other information, including but not limited to floor plans and other drawings at a reasonable scale to convey the need for the variance, which, in the judgment of the Zoning Inspector, may be necessary to provide for the enforcement of this Code.
   (h)    If a verbatim record is desired by the appellant, he/she shall furnish the court reporter and bear the expense of typing said record.
      (Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)