(a)    Association Agreements, Covenants, Easements and Deed Restrictions.  Before the Village Council meeting and Public Hearing to consider this application, the subdivider shall deliver to the Village Clerk a bond and other items as required including all association agreements, covenants, easements and deed restrictions for approval by the Village Solicitor.
   (b)    Document Requirements. Twelve (12) copies of the approved Final Plat, Construction Improvement Plans, and supporting data as required shall be submitted to the Village Zoning Inspector at least twenty (20) days prior to the meeting at which the Final Plat and Construction Improvement Plans are to be considered by the Village Council. The Zoning Inspector shall within five (5) days submit two (2) copies to the Village Engineer and the Village Solicitor for review. The Village Engineer shall confirm the plat and improvement plans comply with all Planning Commission approval requirements. The Village Engineer, Village Solicitor, and Zoning Inspector shall document their approval or rejection of these documents. Based on these recommendations, if corrections or modifications are required, the Planning Commission shall return the affected documents to the subdivider the Final Plat and require re-submittal of corrected documents, at which time the twenty (20) day cycle shall begin again.
   (c)    Schedule of Meeting.  If approved by the Planning Commission, the Plat together with the Planning Commission's recommendation shall then be forwarded to the Village Council for consideration at the next regular meeting.
   (d)    Meeting and Decision Options.   The Village Council shall within one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of recommendation of the Planning Commission:
      (1)    Schedule and conduct a Public Hearing on the subdivision before a decision of approval.
      (2)    Approve the plans and documents as submitted.
      (3)    Request the plans and documents be corrected or modified and returned at the next regular meeting, when the one hundred and twenty (120) day cycle shall begin again.
      (4)    Conditionally approve the plans and documents and stipulate the conditions of such approval. All stipulations and conditions shall be made or corrected, and shall be submitted to the Zoning Inspector on revised and redrawn engineering drawings, who shall within five (5) days forward such documents for review and approval by the Zoning Office and the Village Engineer. Such approval shall be submitted to the Village Council at their next regular meeting for verification before further action may be considered, when the One hundred twenty (120) day cycle shall begin again if the subdivider has waived the time line.
      (5)    The Village Council may disapprove the plan and express the reasons therefore. Once disapproved, the subdivider may appeal the decision within sixty (60) days or it shall be considered final.
   (e)    Endorsement of Plat. Upon review and approval of said items by the Village Council the Village Engineer, the Village Solicitor, Mayor and the Clerk-Treasurer shall sign and date the final plat to indicate the Village Council approval.
   (f)   Approval Limitation. Approval of a Final Plat by the Planning Commission, the Village Council, Village Engineer, Mayor, Solicitor, and Clerk-Treasurer shall not be an acceptance of any street or highway or other way or open space upon the plat.
   (g)    Time Limitation.  The required bonds and surety shall be secured and posted within six (6) months from the date of Council's approval or the plan shall be null and void.
(Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)