(a)    Review Considerations. The Planning Commission shall review said Final plat and act thereon within sixty (60) days. The Planning Commission shall consider the following during their review:
      (1)    Stipulations. A listing of all stipulations shall be required and a schedule for the implementation of these by the subdivider. Failure to implement these stipulations shall be deemed a violation of the Plat approval and the subdivider shall be subject to the penalties herein provided.
      (2)    Plan, Plat and Document Changes. A detail listing of all plat, plan and document changes that were considered or recommended for document correction prior to the approval by the Planning Commission. Failure to implement these document changes before the Village Council review meeting shall be deemed a violation and the subdivider shall be subject to the penalties herein provided.
      (3)    Association Agreements, Bonds, Covenants, Easements and Deed Restrictions. A detail listing of all agreements and restrictions in addition to the required surety and bonds and insurances that will be imposed as a part of this subdivision and the time limits where such documents must be submitted to the Village. Failure to implement these shall be deemed a violation of the agreement and the subdivider shall be subject to the penalties herein provided.
   (b)    Planning Commission Options.
      (1)    The Commission may recommend approval of the Plat as submitted.
      (2)    The Planning Commission may request the plan be corrected or modified and returned at the next regular meeting when the sixty (60) day review cycle shall begin again after the subdivider has waived the sixty-day time line.
      (3)    The Planning Commission may conditionally approve the Plat assuming the subdivider has waived the sixty-day time line and stipulate the conditions of such approval. All stipulations and conditions shall be made or corrected, and shall be submitted to the Zoning Inspector, who shall within five (5) days forward such documents for review and approval by the Village Engineer. Such approval shall be submitted to the Planning Commission at their next meeting for verification before further action may be considered, when the sixty (60) day review cycle shall begin again.
      (4)    The Planning Commission may disapprove the Plat and express the reasons therefore. Once disapproved, the subdivider may appeal the decision within sixty (60) days or it shall be considered final.
   (c)    Review Documentation.  The action of the Planning Commission shall be noted on four copies of the plans, and certified, signed, and dated by the chairman of the Planning Commission.  (Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)