(a)    Village Council Approval. Construction Improvement Plan Drawings shall be approved by the Village Council at their next scheduled meeting after Planning Commission approval. Such Plans may be approved or returned to the Planning Commission with requests for change. Approved Construction Improvement Plans shall be signed by the Mayor and the Clerk- Treasurer.
   (b)    Zoning Inspection and Engineering Approval. The approved and signed Construction Improvement plans together with the Planning Commission's recommendation shall then be forwarded to the Zoning Inspector. The Village Engineer and the Zoning Inspector shall  stamp and sign each plan copy. One (1) copy of the plan shall be retained in the zoning office for records, and copies may be sent to the Village Engineer, the Village Solicitor, and one (1) copy shall be returned to the subdivider or owner.
   (c)    Approval Limitation. Approval of the Construction Improvement Plans shall not constitute approval of the final plat.
(Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)