The Planning Commission shall review said Construction Improvement Plans, drawings and documents and act thereon within 40 days, during which the subdivider may file a Final Plat.
   (a)    Presentation of Conformance. The subdivider shall demonstrate to the Planning Commission the following are contained in the Construction Improvement plans and documents:
      (1)    All agreements and conditions of the Preliminary Plan approval are documented and observed.
      (2)    All Village Plans including but not limited to the Comprehensive Plan are observed.
      (3)    All design standards, required improvements, erosion and sediment control, and open space requirements have been observed.
   (b)    Construction Plan. The subdivider shall provide the Planning Commission with a tentative schedule for implementation of Improvements including but not limited to:
      (1)    A time line showing proposed start and finish of each major component of the improvements including a subdivision completion date.
      (2)    A listing and proposed schedule for variance request for relief from any design standards and required improvements.
   (c)    Sanitary Sewer Extension. In areas not served by sanitary sewers and/or water mains, these utilities shall be extended for all proposed lots. If such extension is not proposed, certified evidence of approval of the Lake County General Health District and the Lake County Utilities Department shall be submitted with these Improvement Plans. The Planning Commission may require such utility extension based on soil and site conditions or recommendation of a qualified consultant.
   (d)    Commercial and Industrial Requirements. The subdivider in a nonresidential district shall present engineering drawings of structures, improvements and detail the type of operation proposed on the premises. The subdivider shall assure compliance with all commercial and industrial zoning regulations. The subdivider shall indicate proposed service facilities, retention systems, alleys and how screening, buffers and open space requirements are used and positioned to assure harmonious conformance with other neighboring development.
   (e)    Commission Options.
      (1)    The Commission may approve the Construction Improvement plan as submitted.
      (2)    The Planning Commission may request the plan be corrected or modified and returned at the next regular meeting, when the forty (40) day cycle shall begin again.
      (3)    The Planning Commission may conditionally approve the plan and stipulate the conditions of such approval. All stipulations and conditions shall be made or corrected and shall be submitted to the Zoning Inspector on revised and/or redrawn engineering drawings, who shall within five (5) days forward such documents for review and approval by the Village Engineer. Such approval shall be submitted to the Planning Commission at their next regular meeting for verification before further action may be considered, when the forty (40) day cycle shall begin again.
      (4)    The Planning Commission may disapprove the plan and express the reasons therefore. Once disapproved, the application process shall be considered as terminated. At the time of disapproval, the Commission Chairman shall sign and date a Notice of Non-Compliance and issue it to the Zoning Inspector.
   (f)    Review Documentation. The action of the Commission shall be noted on four copies of the plans, and certified, signed, and dated by the Commission Chairman.
      (Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)