(a)    Application Form. The subdivider shall apply in writing on a form obtained from the Zoning Inspector.
   (b)    Deposits and Fees. The subdivider shall be responsible for payment of all deposits and fees at the time the Construction Improvement application is submitted. Failure to submit required deposits, fees and payments with the Construction Improvement application shall be cause for the Zoning Inspector to stop further progress of the project.
   (c)    Conformity With All Village Plans. Subdivisions shall be designed in accordance with the Village Comprehensive Plan, Storm Water Management Plan, Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations, Standards for Construction, Grading Regulations, Thoroughfare Plan and any other related ordinance, rule, plan, or regulation, and shall be subject to approval by the Village Engineer.
   (d)    Documentation Accompanying Application Form.
      (1)    Within twelve (12) months after approval of the preliminary plan, or eighteen (18) months if an extension is granted pursuant to Section 1111.02 (c) (above), the Subdivider shall present to the Zoning Inspector twelve (12) copies of the Construction Plan including detailed engineering construction drawings prepared by a registered engineer in the State of Ohio.
      (2)    Said Construction Improvement plans shall be filed with the Zoning Inspector within at least thirty (30) working days prior to the regular scheduled Planning Commission meeting at which it is to be considered. The Zoning Inspector shall within five (5) working days forward copies of said construction drawings to the Village Engineer. In addition, copies shall be made available to the Village Solicitor, and the Lake County Utilities Department for their written comments and approval. Comments and approvals by all appropriate parties shall be presented to the Planning Commission at their Construction review meeting.
      (3)    Failure to submit improvement plans within twelve (12) months of the approval of the preliminary plan shall render the approval of the preliminary plan null and void.
   (e)    Plan Scale and Size.
      (1)    Construction drawings shall be prepared, signed and sealed by a professional engineer registered in the State of Ohio.
      (2)    The plans shall indicate all proposed improvements including profiles drawn legible at a suitable scale, to the approval by the Village Engineer.
      (3)    The applicant shall submit evidence that plans for sanitary sewers and water mains have been approved by the Utilities Department of Lake County.
   (f)    Contents.  Construction Improvement Drawings shall include all utility and street improvements to be constructed in the proposed subdivision, all construction notes, control measures, and drawing details as required by the Village engineer, Village construction standards and the Lake County Utilities Department.
   (g)    Prior Review by Zoning and Engineering. The Village Zoning Inspector and the Village Engineer shall confirm the documentation complies with all Village regulations and subdivision regulations. The Village Engineer and Zoning Inspector shall document their approval or rejection of these documents. Documentation that is not approved shall be returned to the sub- divider for correction, and the Construction Improvement application process time cycle shall begin again.  (Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)