(a)    Preliminary Plan Conformance. Final plats and Construction Improvement Plans shall be subsequent to and in conformance with a previously approved preliminary plan, unless filed simultaneously.
   (b)    Project Phase Identification. A final plat may constitute only that portion of the project, which is proposed for recording and development at the time. The subdivider shall certify a schedule that will implement the completely approved Preliminary Plan.
   (c)    Time Limitation. Final plats shall be submitted within twelve (12) months after approval of the preliminary plan or such approval shall become null and void unless an extension of time not to exceed six (6) additional months has been granted by the Planning Commission.
   (d)    Written Disclosure.  The subdivider shall disclose in writing all deviations from the previously approved Preliminary Plan.
(Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)