The Planning Commission shall review said plan and all related comments, documents, covenants, restrictions, and approvals, and act thereon within sixty (60) days. The review shall encompass but not be limited to all plan design issues, recommendations, stipulations, record requirements, agreements and covenants, surety and bond requirements and other government agency approvals. The Planning Commission shall consider options and request further documentation and records as necessary.
   (a)    Public Hearing. The Planning Commission, prior to acting on a preliminary plan, shall hold a public hearing thereon at such time and upon such notice as required by law. The Planning Commission shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing, giving ten (10) days notice by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the Village and by personally delivering or sending by regular U.S. mail a notice to the parties of interest, and any other service requirements as established within these Subdivision Rules.
   (b)    Efficiency and Effectiveness. The Planning Commission shall encourage the replatting of lands that are far in advance of the needs of the community; or which by their location cannot be efficiently served by, fire protection, police protection, or other Village or municipal services or are topographically unsuitable for development; or which have gas wells or transmission or gathering lines or structures or easements, or which for any other reason are being unwisely divided.
   (c)    Mandatory Setbacks. The Planning Commission shall assure the minimum building and structure setback distances are observed and documented on the plan:
   (d)    Re-platting and Efficiency. The Planning Commission shall encourage the re- platting of lands deemed to be unsatisfactorily subdivided and which, because of this, are tax delinquent or are underdeveloped, and which represent an obstacle to the orderly and efficient development that is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and other plans the Village may have for the area.
   (e)    Parcel Co-ordination. The Planning Commission shall encourage the coordinated platting of adjacent small parcels of land, and to this end the Planning Commission may make sketch plans for such coordinated platting showing how streets can be linked, lot orientation coordinated, natural areas protected, and open lands and public recreation and park areas created and expanded. It may also arrange meetings of the several owners of small parcels of land or shall carry out the intent of this directive by such other means as may be lawful and appropriate.
   (f)    Planning Commission Options.
      (1)    The Commission may approve the plan as submitted.
      (2)    The Planning Commission may request the plan be corrected or modified and returned at the next regular meeting, when the sixty (60) day cycle shall begin again if the has been signed by the subdivider. If the subdivider has signed the sixty (60) day waiver but fails to make the requested corrections or modifications, then see paragraph number four below.
      (3)    The Planning Commission may conditionally approve the plan and stipulate the conditions of such approval. All stipulations and conditions shall be made or corrected, and shall be submitted to the Zoning Inspector on revised and redrawn engineering drawings, who shall within five (5) days forward such documents for review and approval by the Zoning Office and the Village Engineer. Such approval shall be submitted to the Planning Commission at their next regular meeting for verification before further action may be considered, when the sixty (60) day cycle shall begin again.
      (4)    The Planning Commission may disapprove the plan and express the reasons therefore.  Once disapproved, the application process shall be considered as terminated. At the time of disapproval, the Commission Chairman shall sign and date a Notice of Non-Compliance and issue it to the Zoning Inspector who shall deliver a copy to the subdivider.
      (5)    The Planning Commission shall not require a person submitting a plat to alter the plat or any part of it as a condition for approval, as long as the plat is in accordance with the regulations of the Planning and Zoning Code and other Village Codes pertaining to the proposed subdivision, in effect at the time the plat was submitted.
   (g)    Review Documentation. The action of the Commission shall be noted on four copies of the preliminary plan and certified, signed and dated by the Commission Chairman.  (Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)