Procedures are herein established and intended to define the steps for review and approval of a minor subdivision or lot split.
   (a)    Filing and Classification. An application, legal description and plat of survey, complying with the Submission Requirements established by the Zoning Inspector, shall be submitted to the Zoning Inspector. The Zoning Inspector shall review the application to confirm classification of the proposal as a minor subdivision/lot split.
   (b)    Review by Zoning Inspector. The Zoning Inspector shall review the application for compliance with the review criteria in subsection (c) hereof and make a determination within seven (7) working days after the application is determined complete.
   (c)    Review Criteria. The application for minor subdivision/lot split shall be approved if it complies with the following.
      (1)    The proposed division of land must have frontage along an existing improved public street and involve no opening, widening or extension of any street or public utility. The right-of-way width at the end of a right-of-way meant for future extension of the right-of-way does not constitute frontage along an existing improved public street. If the installation of any of the improvements described in Title Three of this Planning and Zoning Code are needed for future construction on the lots, the proposed division shall be reviewed as a major subdivision.
      (2)    The proposed division must be properly integrated with adjoining developments or could be properly coordinated with the subdivision and extension of streets to adjoining land.
      (3)    The proposed division complies with the planning principles and other sections of this Planning and Zoning Code and other Codes and plans of the Village, or the owner has received the necessary variances. Verification of said variance shall be proided to the Zoning Inspector prior to approval.
      (4)    The proposed division of land shall be approved by the Lake County General Health District in cases where there is no sanitary sewer. The owner shall obtain approval for Household Sewage Treatment Systems (HSTS) (septic tanks) from the Lake County General Health District (LCGHD) for the minor subdivision being applied for and/or the remainder. LCGHD verification that the minor subdivision and remainder conform to the LCGHD Regulations must be submitted as part of the application. If all the proposed lots resulting from the proposed minor subdivision cannot accommodate HSTS, the application will be denied.
   (d)    Decision.
      (1)    If the application conforms to the review criteria in subsection (c) hereof, then the legal description and plat of survey shall be approved and stamped.
      (2)    If the Zoning Inspector determines the application is a major subdivision or the legal description and/or plat of survey is not approved for other reasons, the Zoning Inspector shall state the conditions that shall be complied with before it will be approved.
   (e)    Review by Village Engineer; Recording. After approval of a sketch plat, the applicant shall submit either a metes and bounds, deed description, and/or plat as required, to the Village Engineer for review. The metes and bounds, deed description, and/or plat shall conform to all applicable County and State standards. If the same is found to conform to the approved sketch plat and is otherwise satisfactory to the Engineer, he shall so certify his approval thereon within seven working days after receipt. The approval shall expire within 120 days unless the deed or plat has been filed and recorded in the office of the County Recorder and the Commission has been so notified by the developer in writing.
      (Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)