(a)    Application Submitted. The owner, or agent thereof, of property for which such conditional use is proposed shall file with the Zoning Inspector an application for conditional use approval. The application for a conditional use shall disclose all uses proposed for the development, their location, extent and characteristics and shall include the items set forth below.
      (1)    Completed application form along with the application fee.
      (2)    A list of all property owners lying within 300 feet of any part of the property on which the conditional use is proposed, including their addresses and permanent parcel number and lot numbers, as shown on the current tax duplicate in the Lake County Auditor’s Office.
      (3)    A development plan and associated documents as required by Chapter 1107, if applicable.
   (b)    Review for Completeness. The Zoning Inspector shall review the submitted application for completeness according to Section 1107.02(e).
   (c)    Distribution of Plans. When the Zoning Inspector determines that the application is complete, the Zoning Inspector shall forward the application to the appropriate Village departments and professional consultants for review and comment. Any reports, comments, or expert opinions shall be returned to the Zoning Inspector within ten (10) days from the date the application is deemed complete.
   (d)    Transmission to the Planning Commission. The Zoning Inspector shall distribute the application and any reports prepared by the individuals in sub-section (c) above to the Planning Commission, at least four days prior to the time of the next regularly scheduled meeting.
(Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)