(a)    No construction, structural alteration, occupancy, use or change of use, as specified in this Code, shall take place until a zoning permit is issued by the Zoning Inspector.
   (b)    Simultaneously when issuing an approved zoning permit, the Zoning Inspector shall issue a placard to be posted in a conspicuous place on the property in question, attesting to the fact that the use or alteration is approved and in conformance with the provisions of this Code.
   (c)    The zoning permit shall state the extent of zoning approval granted by the zoning permit. A record of all zoning permits shall be kept on file in the Office of the Zoning Inspector or his agent, and copies shall be furnished on request to any person having proprietary or tenancy interest in the building or land affected.
(Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)