(a)    No excavation, grading, or improvement shall be commenced and no building or structure shall be erected, constructed, enlarged, structurally altered, or moved in whole or in part, and no use of buildings or land shall be established in the Village of North Perry until a zoning permit has been issued by the Zoning Inspector stating that the building, structure or use complies with the provisions of the Planning and Zoning Code.
   (b)    A zoning permit and related approvals shall be required for the following circumstances, unless specifically exempted in this Planning and Zoning Code:
      (1)    Single-Family Dwelling and Uses Accessory Thereto, Generally. Prior to issuance of a zoning permit for a single-family dwelling, including any activity related to a single-family dwelling, including an accessory structure or accessory use, the applicant shall first have received all of the following:
         A.    Approval of a grading plan, when applicable and
         B.    Approval of any conditional use(s) and/or variance(s), when applicable.
      (2)    All Other Permitted Uses. Prior to issuance of a zoning permit for nonresidential development, including any other use, building or structure permitted by right not described in sub-section (b)(1) above, the applicant shall first have received all of the following:
         A.    Development plan approval according to the procedures set forth in 1107.07;
         B.    Approval of any conditional use(s) and/or variance(s), when applicable.
      (3)    Change in Use. A zoning certificate of compliance shall be required for any change in the use of a building or lot, which does not otherwise require a zoning permit.
      (4)    Signs.  Prior to issuance of a zoning permit for signs issued separately from a development plan approval, the applicant shall have received approval of any variance(s), when applicable.
      (5)    Conditional Uses. An application for a conditional use shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission according to the procedures set forth in Chapter 1109.
      (6)    Similar Uses. An application for any use not specifically listed in this Planning and Zoning Code as a permitted or conditional use shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission according to the procedures set forth Chapter 1109.
      (7)    Variance Requests. An application for a variance from a requirement of this Planning and Zoning Code shall be reviewed by the Board of Zoning Appeals according to the procedures set forth in Chapter 1113.
      (8)    Nonconforming Uses, Structures, Lots. An application for the approval of a change regarding a nonconforming use/structure/lot shall be reviewed by the Board of Zoning Appeals according to the requirements set forth in Chapter 1113 for appeals and variances.
   (c)    The Zoning Inspector shall cause examination to be made of every application for a zoning permit and shall issue no such permit that violates the Planning and Zoning Code.
(Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)